Project History

The purpose of this page is to give you the back story behind how came to exist.

People was created by Chuck Boecking.

Founding Beliefs

The chuck-stack project was created based on Chuck's beliefs that:

  1. Conversation computing is better than presenting users with a sea of window, tabs and field.
  2. The terminal is the fastest, most robust, economical, stable and secure medium to manage data and processes.
  3. AI will fundamentally change how users will interact with software and the terminal will help lead the way.
  4. Humans will fight to be relevant, and a new breed of superclerks will emerge to drive automation and efficiency in roles.

Before chuck-stack

Chuck has a MS degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University.

Chuck worked as an engineer at National Instruments as it grew from just over $200M to $400M in annual revenue.

Chuck worked as the Director of It and HR at Velocity Electronics as it grew from $500K to $40M in annual revenue. The systems that Chuck installed eventually supported over $800M in annual global revenue.

Chuck spent 23 years supporting the iDempiere open source ERP code base and project.

iDempiere Backstory

iDempiere started life as Compiere (also an open source ERP project). ADempiere was created as a fork from Compiere. iDempiere was created as a fork from ADempiere.

The iDempiere codebase played a significant part of Chuck's professional career. It was the foundation for Velocity's ERP system.

ERP Academy

iDempiere was at the heart of Chuck's ERP Academy for 11 years where Chuck created over 800 videos on the topic of open source ERP and teaching students from over 60 countries.

During this time, Chuck lead 7 medium-sized iDempiere deployments and assisted in over 30 more deployments. Just as important as the deployments are the students that did not deploy iDempiere. The academy was based on guiding users to a true and natural fit. If iDempiere was not the best tool, our mission was to determine that opinion as quickly as possible.

This deep appreciation for someone's time and efforts was a cornerstone of the academy's success.

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