chuck-stack Blog

Here is a list of recent blogs. The sidebar contains the full list.

Letter to the CEO

We find and cultivate Superclerks. These superclerks effectively reduce headcount. The expectation is that the incremental increase in AI costs is less than the reduction in labor; therefore, you get a net savings.

Note that cost savings is not the biggest benefit. The biggest benefit is automation and accuracy. You get to surround yourself with smart people who know how to do/automate their jobs.

Let's find high-impact and low-effort tasks to document and automate...


The CLI is Better

The CLI creates more value for managing data and processes in small and medium sized organizations than just about any alternative. The purpose of this post is to explain what it is better than and why.


Why Conversational Enterprise Computing Matters

This article discusses why Conversational Enterprise Computing matters. It helps explain how the chuck-stack gives small and medium sized organizations a competitive advantage against both its peers as well as larger organizations.


Work Instructions Make your Organization Sexy

Said no one ever... until now! This article describes how AI is changing how work instructions are created and increasing the value of your organization more than ever.


We Live in a Markdown World

This article describes why markdown has become a better tool for documentation than both Microsoft Word and Google Docs. We believe that the use of markdown represents a point of inflection and a significant change in how documentation and training should be maintained and published.


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