What makes us special? conversational enterprise computing on an open source technology stack... We are tired of ERP's hitting organizations with thousands of barely relevant fields that over complicate processes. We offer a better way for small and medium organizations to manage data, automate processes and build superclerk talent.
Picture of Success
Imagine a world where your operations team writes work instructions and both your system and people magically execute those work instructions with near perfection. Imagine a world where IT no longer builds tools but instead helps people build logic themselves while ensuring everyone is bound by their roles. You do not need to imagine much longer.
Getting Started
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chuck-stack Tools
We focus on commonly used and well understood tools to make AI augmentation easier. The better AI understands a tool, the more AI can do the work for you.
We choose tools that build on one another: Incus => Linux => PostgreSQL => PostgREST => Nushell => AIChat => Zellij... that allow unlimited usage and scale massively.
chuck-stack Best Practices
Say what you are going to do. Do what you said you would do. Prove that you did it. Focus on continuous improvement. Welcome feedback! Build these concepts into your work instructions. Teach everyone to contribute. Empower AI to work for you using your instructions and your tools.
Apply these same concepts to the chuck-stack for application design. Use AI to execute these work instruction and extend the framework for your organization.
chuck-stack Application Framework
Data management goes beyond simple CRUD (create, read, update and delete) database operations. The system needs to make the right data available to the right person at the right time to make their jobs easier and prevent mistakes. There are three key features that make this vision a reality: 1) tool deployment, 2) workflow and 3) attribute tagging.